



Existential psychotherapy draws upon philosophical writing that shares a concern with existence and how to live and manage your life with authenticity, courage, and responsibility. This is made possible by getting a clearer understanding of your beliefs and values, drawing upon your strengths in order to deal with present challenges and future situations. Uniqueness of individual experience and the intelligibility of problems are valued over formulaic assumptions, categorising or labelling. The past is meaningful in that new understanding may be found through an examination of life experiences and how they may appear from the point of view of the present. Thus the potential for possibilities and human growth lie in the present and the future. I bring a combination of philosophical and psychological perspectives which provide a focus that is grounded and accessible, seeking to get closer to the lived and felt experience of each individual. An important aspect in my work is about engaging with the experiential ‘felt meaning’ that allows the therapeutic encounter to follow its own map with sensitivity and direction.



Somatic Experiencing an approach, that offers a particular way to work with experiences of shock and developmental trauma. When you come specifically for SE (which also involves existential exploration) the intention to work specifically with managing internal states, behaviours and your sense of self that becomes affected through intense disregulation. We might talk less in a session, directing attention towards how the nervous system and physiology is dealing with activation and shut down. Post traumatic stress is not a a state of mind but resides in the physiology hence talking therapy may not be so useful.

The aim is to create greater resilience in order to move out of physiological traumatic response patterns. The approach requires tracking the activation that comes up from the autonomic nervous system and to explore ways that the unfinished process can dealt with through building capacity and integrating the experience in a new way. The process works towards enabling more expansiveness and ease, sensitively engaging with the patterns that persist and biographical context of each individual.



I have twelve years experience working in the cultural and business sectors working in the area of feedback, professional development and mentoring.


In 2008 began developing a series of sessions called ‘ Creating A Clearing’ which offered individuals a series of one to one sessions which focused on the present situation and concerns. The underlying premise to create a reflective space to map, understand and give feedback. These coaching sessions focus on specific areas that an individual may bring and offer reflection on interpersonal skills and life choices. These sessions set out to tap into the sense of motivation, meaning and passion while understanding the competing demands and pressures within the workplace and the individuals life as a whole.

As well as offerring this work privately I am also part of the coaching team at Mosaic.